High performance computing (HPC)

Managing a datacenter can be challenging as hundreds of hardware and software elements must work seamlessly together. Performance management, system scalability and user-friendly interface are key factors to consider when choosing an HPC software platform.
NVIDIA Base Command Manager (previously Bright Cluster Manager) offers an enterprise cluster management software suite. With a single tool, Base Command Manager combines provisioning and monitoring of clusters running on either on-premises or in public clouds and the tool supports mixed environments and containers. Build and deploy clusters in minutes, provision resources and manage application accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, IPUs) to ensure optimal management for demanding HPC environments.
For a decade NVIDIA has been building and deploying enterprise grade cluster management software worldwide. In the Nordic region Nextron is a NVIDIA Base Command Manager partner.
If you want to learn more about the benefits and best practices of HPC Software solutions, we are here to help. Share your thoughts and needs and start the dialogue today.